
You Are

In essence creating a HUGE mess in the studio by trying to combine oil, water, ink, and lots and lots of acrylic paint. All in the name of creating something bigger than life. The results, however clearly speak for themselves and I could not be more proud of the project.


Concept —

I was always fascinated by these big marble statues in museums and really wanted to create something in that vain. Of course I am not able to craft a statue so this was my way of realizing that vision.


Still Life —

Everything you see, from the poses to the ink itself, relates directly to the statues I drew my inspiration from. The paint was chosen specifically to have the model look more still, and so were the techniques used to hide some of the details. 


Form follows Function —

The visual focus point of the image is always the red dot (hair). This was kept in mind in the compositions, from the head to the skin colored torso and the way the arms and legs blend into the neutral background. I really like the cut-off point. It focuses the image much more and gives the impression that the model is standing in an empty space, frozen (statue).